Privacy policy


Keeping your information private and secure is of the greatest importance to us.
This privacy policy explains which personal data is collected by OSMAIA GROUP or its subsidiaries when there are interactions with you on our Website and how we use that data.

OSMAIA GROUP is a simplified joint-stock company registered with the Lille Métropole RCS under number 853 870 129, with head offices at 182 Rue Georges Brassens – 59273 – Fretin.

To optimise relationships with its different partners and users, OSMAIA GROUP chose to organise itself in a group of companies, each dedicated to a specific business.

This is why the Company and those making up the group may share data required to achieve their mission with their users. They may all have data collected by only one company. For all its subsidiaries, OSMAIA GROUP vouches for their compliance with the rules stated in this privacy policy.

We may have to change this privacy policy to reflect our practices and their changes or to ensure compliance with regulations. The date of the latest update to our policy is at the bottom of the page / document.


The Company collects data required to accomplish its mission.

It asks its users to provide:

  • Identification data (surname, first name, complete postal address, telephone number, email address, business / organisation name)
  • Browsing data (IP address)

The Company collects and processes data users provide through its interactions with them and the products and service proposed.

The Company collects personal information in the following situations:

  • Connection to the website (IP address)
  • Filling in forms (surname, first name, complete postal address, telephone number, email address, business / organisation)


Personal data is processed within the framework of the activities of the Company and its subsidiaries. The data is collected with the aim of offering you services tailored to your needs, to provide you the products or services requested or to manage our business. In particular, we use data to:

  • Measure website traffic
  • Generate statistics to measure traffic and for marketing studies
  • Examine and respond to requests through the contact form
  • Examine and respond to requests through the job application form


If we process your data for sales purposes, we will ask for your consent.
However, the Company and those making up the group may share the data required to achieve their mission.
We can share the required data pertaining to you for a specific reason explained in the above paragraph and involving communication:

  • With all our subsidiaries;
  • With service providers working in our name and on our behalf;
  • When it is required by law or as part of legal proceedings.

Excluding the aforementioned cases, your consent will be required for any data transfer.


When you visit our websites, cookies may be saved to your computer. Cookies are small text files saved by the browser on your computer, tablet or mobile phone which conserve user data to facilitate browsing and enable certain functionalities.

We use Cookies to:

  • fight fraud,
  • analyse the performance of our products and services,
  • establish traffic and usage statistics and volumes for different elements that make up our services.

As soon as you arrive on the website and as you browse, you are informed of the presence of cookies and their purpose. On each Company website, you will be asked for consent and you will be able to refuse that consent. You can configure your web browser to reduce the use of Cookies and remove your consent by deleting or blocking some or all cookies.

If you deactivate cookies, it is possible that you may not be able to use all the functionalities of the website.

Cookies required for the provision of a service expressly requested by the user are not part of the consent process.

Cookies have a maximum lifespan of 13 months. Your consent will be requested again after this period with an information banner or the deletion of your browser’s cache before the end of the validation period.

If your device is used by several people or has several web browsers on which you work, your cookie settings may not be permanently taken into account. If you use different devices to access our application (mobile phone, tablet, computer, etc.), your preferences must be configured on each of them.


The data you have sent us will be kept as long as necessary to provide services and carry out the obligations you have given us. It is also kept for the duration of our legal obligations and to carry out the contract that binds us. It is stored and processed in France. If some organisations receiving your data are outside the European Union, the necessary guarantees have been taken to ensure a sufficient level of protection for your information; the receiving country or countries provide adequate protection as overseen by the European Commission or as the transfer is governed by the CNIL’s standard protection clauses.


The Company does everything it can to keep your data secure. We protect your data against any unauthorised access, modification, disclosure or destruction. We also make sure that subcontractors that act on our behalf have the same standards in terms of the security of your data.


In compliance with the data and freedom act of 6 January 1978 and (EU) ruling 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of 27 April 2016, any natural person has the ability to exercise their rights to access, rectify, oppose or delete their data from processing and portability since 25 May 2018. To exercise your rights, you can contact us:

By email at the following address:

By post, at the following address:
59273 – FRETIN

Please send a signed photocopy of your ID with your request to ensure it is processed as quickly as possible. If you believe that your rights have not been respected, you can also send a claim to the competent authority: or CNIL – 3 Place de Fontenoy, 75007 PARIS.

Updated 1st February 2024.